We will release a version to a select group to start playing with if we get enough support!

What is this project about?

We are a startup from Johannesburg, South Africa called Speak Geek? who specialise in the latest hardware released worldwide in relation to Virtual and Augmented Reality, as well as custom software solutions to fit various business needs.

After Microsoft Hololens showed their demo of Minecraft running in Augmented Reality, we thought we would take the time to try build a similar experience on affordable devices people already own. We have a video "See Video Icon Above" of our first release and we are very pleased with the progress. With enough support and positive feedback we hope to get this publicly released into the hands of all our fellow Minecraft Addicts.

Ultimately we would like to develop a complete Minecraft Client and also a new game play style/angle for smart devices that would allow you to visualize your world in augmented reality, interact with your map via "minions" who you could order to for example collect resources while you're not playing on your PC and use Google Cardboard to swap between AR/VR perspectives of worlds. These ideas are still currently not implemented, but some thoughts we have been playing with.

We really need as much feedback and support as possible to implement ideas people would like instead of ideas no-one will use. So please take a minute to email us at info@speakgeek.co.za and give us your thoughts.

From the Web | 2017

Keep up with the latest happenings.

From the Web | 2015

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